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Enter the Red Dragon Tavern in Lirath to start your quest.

Fizbin whispers to you: If you plead to Kalantir, the Metallurgist, you might get some useful information.
Fizbin winks at you.
Fizbin continues: If you need a hint, just 'ask' me.

The quest:
You can skip the pleading to Kalantir if you like. From the east gate of Lirath, 2w, s, search hay. n, 2e, u, 6s, stare, 2s, d, nw, 4w, n, 2w, d, e, s, e, 3n, se, pull rock, assemble, nw, 3s, w, n, w, climb ladder, 2e, s, 4e, 7n, 4w, n, ne, sleep.

You now have the chat channel. Type "chat on" to turn it on.

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