Gray Book Quest
Save Level: Never
Recommended Level:
Through a mirror in Selune's Castle, leads to another realm where evil has dominated.
A magical book will be your prize.
Climb the tower and defeat the evil at the top.
The Sacred Prophecy
Return a keepsake to a lonely soul.
Obtain a key but not with gold.
A learned one shall seek a prize.
A weapon given to one despised.
One long dead shall hold the words
To get you near the final curse.
The quest:
From the cliff, 4n, e, 6n, hold hands, enter mirror, 3e, n, kill monk and take the quill, n, get quartz, s, w, nw (take journal if you want), 2n (Josep gives you a dagger), 2n, ne, w (Skurge gives you a medallion), 3e, n, e, kill dragon and take the locket, w, s, 3w, s, w (Kromm gives you a mug), e, s, 2e (drunk gives you a key), n, nw, 4n, ne, 2e, 2n, search skeleton (find a scroll), w, kill Goliath and take the cross, 2w, in, n, up, west, break lever, e, up, up, place quartz in hole, u, kill Carthak, take his book.
title place_your_title_here
Maximum of 40 characters, 4 words.
1 time use only.